Fabian Luetz

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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42 publications

Artificial Intelligence as game-changing challenge in CEDAW's General Recommendation 40: Imagine... there would be Algorithmic Discrimination
Luetz Fabian, Working Paper in progress.
Between interactions, trans-nationality and extra-territoriality – Human Rights, Discrimination and AI in the International Legal Order
Luetz Fabian.
Learning from Competition Law: Towards cross-pollination and more effective enforcement of equality law in the age of algorithms
Luetz Fabian, Paper presented at BCCE‘23 Annnual Conference Utrecht.
Reflections on International AI Governance Models - Contribution to the Call for Papers of the future UN Multistakeholder Advisory Body on AI (Multistakeholder Advisory Body on AI)
Luetz Fabian.
Reflections on the UN AI Advisory Body’s Interim Report - Input from a gender equality and non-discrimination perspective
Luetz Fabian.
Shared responsibility for human rights in the algorithmic age - Why business should be the states’ ally to eliminate discrimination
Luetz Fabian Conference Proceedings (Brill). Peer-reviewed.
The Council of Europe's Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence: much ado about nothing or reason to celebrate AI regulation ?
Luetz Fabian.
The new decision-making place in Europe: Why women need to sit at the AI decision-making table for equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making (Draft Conference Paper)
Luetz Fabian.
The United Nations as architect of AI regulation ? Between good (UNGA) resolutions, the construction of a SDG-compliant global AI landscape and the goal of human rights
Luetz Fabian.
Towards a European Agency for Algorithms – Building an enforcement framework based on AI-vigilance and non-discrimination
Luetz Fabian, Draft Paper.
Towards glocalization of regulatory frameworks on Artificial Intelligence – Comparing approaches to algorithmic discrimination over five continents in light of a potential UN framework on AI
Luetz Fabian.
Algorithms and Gender Equality – Challenges and opportunities
Luetz Fabian DEBATES AND DOCUMENTS COLLECTION (2024), Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe..
Revisiting gender-based discrimination in the algorithmic age
Luetz Fabian Routledge.
The AI Act, Gender Equality and Non-discrimination: what role for the AI Office ?
Luetz Fabian ERA Forum.
Fabian Lütz: Regulierung von KI: auf der Suche nach „Gender“
Luetz Fabian, 2024/02/27. GENDER. Peer-reviewed.
Protection des données personnelles et recherche
Métille Sylvain (eds.)Erard Frédéric, Christinat Rachel, Talanova Vladislava, Dosch Alexandre, Marks Sultan Géraldine, Sprumont Dominique, Posse-Ousmane Samah, Conrad Valentin, Germond Tania, Luetz Fabian et al., 2024/02/16., 120 310, Stämpfli.
La pollinisation croisée entre droit de la protection des données et droit de la non-discrimination: Le rôle des chercheurs pour garantir une intelligence artificielle non-discriminatoire, in: Protection des données personnelles et recherche
Métille Sylvain (eds.)Luetz Fabian, 2024/01/01., Staempfli.
Meredith Broussard, More than a Glitch - Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech (Book Review)
Luetz Fabian, 2023/12/28. LSE Review of Books. Peer-reviewed.
Gender Equality and Algorithmic Discrimination: the contribution of the EU standardisation request on AI
Luetz Fabian, 2023/11/20. Ex/Ante, 2 (2023) pp. 4-15. Peer-reviewed.
The Human Imperative: Power, Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Artificial IntelligencePaulNemitz and MatthiasPfeffer (Eds.), Cambridge: The Ethics Press. 2023. pp. 602. <scp>ISBN</scp>: 978–1–80441‐195‐7
Luetz Fabian, 2023/10/27. Swiss Political Science Review.
Artificial Intelligence and Gender-Based Discrimination
Luetz Fabian, 2023/09/06. dans Quintavalla Alberto, Temperman Jeroen (eds.) Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence, Oxford University Press.
Gender Equality and Algorithms: HRC Resolution on New and Emerging Technologies
Luetz Fabian, 2023/09/05. GENDER. Peer-reviewed.
Algorithmische Diskriminierung: “Algorithmen als ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Gute will und stets das Böse schafft.” (DeFacto)
Luetz Fabian, 2023/07/18..
Le rôle du droit pour contrer la discrimination algorithmique dans le recrutement automatisé
Luetz Fabian, 2023/07/06. dans Guillaume Florence (eds.) La technologie, l‘humain et le droit (Conférences CUSO), Stämpfli Verlag. Peer-reviewed.
Gender Equality and Artificial Intelligence: SDG 5 and the role of the UN in fighting stereotypes, biases and gender discrimination
Luetz Fabian, 2023/06/13. dans Cristani Federica, Fornalé Elisa (eds.) Women’s Empowerment and its Limits - Interdisciplinary and Transnational Perspectives Toward Sustainable Progress, Speringer Palgrave McMillan.
Algorithmische Entscheidungsfindung aus der Gleichstellungsperspektive – Ein Balanceakt zwischen Gender Data Gap, Gender Bias, Machine Bias und Regulierung
Luetz Fabian, 2023/05/01. GENDER 1/23 pp. 26-41. Peer-reviewed.
Human Rights, Discrimination, and the Regulation of AI with a special focus on Gender Equality (Contribution for the United Nations Global Digital Compact, Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology)
Luetz Fabian, 2023/02/24..
AI, automated decision-making systems and gender equality, Written submission for United Nations CEDAW Committee (84th Session, Half-Day General Discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems)
Luetz Fabian, 2023/02/09..
Towards a legal toolbox to preserve freedom and non-discrimination - Behaviour-changing algorithms between self-regulation, soft and hard law
Luetz Fabian, 2022/11/01. dans Chabloz Isabelle , Perrin Bertrand, Pichonnaz Pascal (eds.) Le contrôle et la liberté en droit, Weblaw.
Gender equality and artificial intelligence in Europe. Addressing direct and indirect impacts of algorithms on gender-based discrimination
Luetz Fabian, 2022/05. ERA Forum, 23 (1) pp. 33-52.
Discrimination by Correlation. Towards Eliminating Algorithmic Biases and Achieving Gender Equality
Lütz Fabian, 2022/03/17. pp. 250-293 dans (Dis)Obedience in Digital Societies, transcript Verlag.
Covid-19 als Lackmustest für die Elternzeit in der Schweiz und Europa – rechtliche und verhaltensökonomische Überlegungen
Luetz Fabian, 2022/01/01. Ex/Ante, 2 pp. 14-23. Peer-reviewed.
Towards a world of EU flavoured Gender Equality Law : How the ‘Brussels effect’ could shape the future regulation of algorithmic discrimination
Luetz Fabian, 2021/11/01. Duodecim Astra (College of Europe, Bruges) 1 (2021) pp. 142 – 163. Peer-reviewed.
Die Väterbeteiligung in Europa und der Schweiz — Die Rolle der Väter für mehr Gleichberechtigung
Lütz Fabian, 2021/05/05. sui generis, 2021. Peer-reviewed.
Towards cross-pollination between Gender Equality and Competition Policy (OECD, Competition Policy and Gender – Developing the Evidence, Call for proposal, submitted proposal published as other submitted proposals, p. 2 and p. 55-56)
Luetz Fabian, 2021/03/01..
The new Directive on work-life balance: towards a new paradigm of family care and equality?
Oliveira Álvaro, De la Corte-Rodríguez Miguel, Lütz Fabian, 2020/06/15. European Law Review. Peer-reviewed.
La directive sur l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée : vers un partage plus égalitaire des responsabilités familiales
Luetz Fabian, de la Corte Rodríguez Miguel, 2019/05/01. Revue de l'Union Européenne 629 pp. 355 - 360.
How companies can benefit from the new Work-Life Balance Directive
Luetz Fabian, 2019/04/10..
Rapprochement des législations - Protection des données à caractère personnel: Arrêt « Google Spain »
Probst J., Lütz F., 2014/11/03. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne 3 pp. p. 581-588.
Les enquêtes "à l'aveuglette" de la Commission (arrêt "Nexans")
Lütz F., 2013. Revue du droit de l'Union Européenne N° 1 pp. 192-198.
Droit de la concurrence « de minimis ». Arrêt « Expedia c. Autorité de la concurrence.
Probst J., Luetz F., 2012. Revue du droit de l'Union européenne N°4 pp. 748-753.
Les droits exclusifs pour la retransmission d'événements sportifs au regard du marché intérieur, du droit de la concurrence et de la propriété intellectuelle (arrêt "Football Association Premier League")
Lütz F., Probst J., 2012. Revue du droit de l'Union Européenne N° 1 pp. 163-172.
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